Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two days and a shower.

So in two days one of the biggest events happens.....SYTYCD (So you think you can dance for all those non fans) is back!!!! I am so excited that I can hardly contain myself. I look forward to this show every single season and I think I am the most excited about this season. I am really excited for Alex Wong to come back because he will totally win it all. Come on Thursday! You are taking to long to get here.

On a pregnancy note, because really that is all I talk about these days, I had my first shower last Friday. My school threw me a shower and spoiled my little girl. I got lots of cute clothes and a jogging stroller. Yes my work is that great and bought me a jogging stroller (okay really they just put money toward it but still, it paid for a lot of it!). I am so excited for when I can start running again and get back in shape. I love my job and the people I work with. Thank you everyone for spoiling my little girl. Also thank you mom and Ansley for coming!


Anonymous said...

I have that jogger... If it's the one with the swivle wheel..... it is red though. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I have that jogger... If it's the one with the swivle wheel..... it is red though. I love it.