Friday, July 23, 2010


I never understood why most teachers got summer jobs. I always thought it would be amazing to have the summer off and get to do whatever you want. Well let me tell you I am BORED. I am so glad school starts in a month from today because I don't know if I can handle this anymore. I do have a job but it can hardly be counted as that when I am only working one day a week and it is pretty much the most care free job on the planet. Plus I have a super cool boss. Anyway, to say I have extra time on my hands is an understatement. I decided my house can only be deep cleaned so many time so I decided to start doing projects on my sewing machine.
I have the biggest sewing bug lately and whenever I see something I like (mostly skirts) I think to myself how easy it would be make. I start looking up tutorials and then go for it. Here are a few pictures of some skirts I have made. I am in love with the yellow one (I am in love with mustard yellow right now) and I like the orange one a lot. My favorite part, and the easiest, is that they have pockets.

*one thing not posted is a pair of pants that I made into straight legs. I hated the flare and absolutely love how they fit now.
** All you sewers out there, have you ever used the zig zag stitch? I am in love with this stitch and find that it works great when you don't have a serger. It also adds flare to your item.


Anonymous said...

Love the skirt, love the color, love YOU! So glad we are sisters!! Thanks for coming to visit me every week! I love it, see you soon!

Bryan and Allie said...

So flippin cute! You've got some skills girl! :)

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

K, those skirts are beautiful! I only wish I could sew like you. They look great!