Sunday, April 29, 2012

Easter 2012

I only managed to get pictures of Ellie on Easter but that is our life.  She looked adorable in her dress that my parents bought her.  We also skyped my parents in Dubai and they got to watch Ellie open up her Easter basket from them.

After church we went to A.E.'s parents house and had our annual Easter egg hunt.  His mom does an amazing Easter egg hunt every year where she hides money.  We made out with sixty dollars combined.  It was awesome!  Somehow A.E. always manages to win.  We then headed up North to be with my extended family.  Overall Easter was a success this year.

1 comment:

Steve, Jenna, Isla, Ivy and Weston said...

LOVE her cute Easter dress. I just loved seeing her the other day, she is so adorable! When are you all coming to Arizona? I want to play!