Thursday, December 8, 2011

My dad.

(This was the last and only time my dad saw Ellie. Needless to say these pictures are priceless.)
In less than a week my dad will be back in town. He moved to Dubai for work for the next three years and we don't get to see him very often. My mom will be joining him in March and it feels very bittersweet. I am so excited to see my dad and see how Ellie responds to him. He left the day after she was born and it breaks my heart to think how much she has grown since he left. We skype a lot but it is not the same. Long story short....we will be spending every waking moment we have with my dad for the next three weeks. Love you papa. Can't wait to see you.


Bain Becomes a Master said...

I am so happy to hear that he moved to Dabai (sp), because when I read the caption to the picture, I thought he passed away!! So glad I was wrong.

Natalie said...

Cute! Also, so glad your dad is not dead just like Jota. :)

Merry Christmas to Ellie, getting to spend time with gramps!