Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 3: Something that makes me feel better.

There are two major things that make me feel better all of the time no matter the situation. The first being my niece Myla. I love this little girl more than life itself. I can't get enough of her when ever she is around. She has so much sass and personality that it kills me. I also love the way that she lights up when AE enters the room. She is possibly the most beautiful baby I know. Take a look for your self:

(This picture is old but it is one of my favorites.)

The other thing that makes me always feel better is cuddling with AE. Sappy I know but it always has and always will. I love my husband and I think he is great. Enough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey why isn't there a picture of me up there?? Jk